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Aligning Tikz nodes vertically


I am trying to create a diagram using Tikz. Here is a short version of what I currently have:enter image description here

What I want to do is to center the nodes under "second-order themes" and "aggregate dimensions" vertically against previous nodes. For instance, I want to center "Organizing" between "Platform-based organizing" and "Adapting organization structure". Likewise, I want to center "Adapting organization structure" between "Cell teams are created based on projects" and "Decentralization of decision making". How Can I do this? Here is MWE:

\documentclass[a4paper]{article}\usepackage[margin=1cm]{geometry}\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows, positioning}\tikzstyle{arrow}=[draw, -latex]\begin{document}\definecolor{747aec21-333b-59ee-84e3-ddff893e5ccd}{RGB}{255, 216, 176}\definecolor{f3551e38-74df-57e2-b793-83d7fe876c85}{RGB}{0, 0, 0}\definecolor{0b71a967-1f15-55a5-9bb9-70efa7b4fc58}{RGB}{51, 51, 51}\tikzstyle{69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95} = [rectangle, text width=6cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, font=\normalsize, color=0b71a967-1f15-55a5-9bb9-70efa7b4fc58, draw=f3551e38-74df-57e2-b793-83d7fe876c85, line width=1, fill=747aec21-333b-59ee-84e3-ddff893e5ccd]\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.3cm]\node (zb) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95,fill=yellow] {First-order concepts};\node (zc) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, right of=zb, xshift=6cm, text width=3cm,fill=yellow] {Second-order themes};\node (zd) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95,, right of=zc, xshift=4cm, text width=2cm,fill=yellow] {Aggregate dimensions};\node (a) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, below of=zb] {Creation of resources (apps, APIs, SDKs, mini-apps)};\node (b) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, below of=a] {Transforming structure of organizing business (from app on SIM to app on smartphone)};\node (c) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, below of=b] {Onboarding users and complementors on the app};\node (d) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, right of=b, xshift=6cm, text width=3cm] {Platform-based organizing};\node (e) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, right of=d, xshift=4cm, text width=2cm] {Organizing};\draw [arrow] (a) -- (d);\draw [arrow] (b) -- (d);\draw [arrow] (c) -- (d);\draw [arrow] (d) -- (e);\node (f) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, below of =c] {Cell teams are created based on projects};\node (g) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, below of=f] {Decentralisation of decision making};\node (h) [69bbb168-da59-5865-902f-94e77902bf95, right of=g, xshift=6cm, text width=3cm] {Adapting organization structure};\draw [arrow] (f) -- (h);\draw [arrow] (g) -- (h);\draw [arrow] (h) -- (e);\end{tikzpicture}\end{document} 

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